Friday, July 3, 2009

Adsense Friendly Content


Probably the most important ingredient to monetizing your site with adsense is the content. Although everybody agrees to this, many seem not to pay attention to some aspects that actually make the difference between “good quality content” that google in general and adsense in particular, loves, and mediocre content.

1: Don’t write “posts”, write “articles” : When you write about something, make sure you have a comprehensive review of that specific topic and not just a 3-4 sentences “mini article”. It is easier to fall into this trap if you own a blog-type website. Many bloggers out there tend to think that posting every day is a must, not only for keeping their readers entertained, but to profit from pinging the blog directories to let them know how often they add fresh content.

Don’t get me wrong, updating daily is really a good thing, but don’t do it just for the fun of it. Small posts will eventually affect your credibility and eventually, your readers will find a better place to hang out. Well written documented articles will give you credibility, people will link to you, your site will attract more traffic and you have a better chance to become an authority in the field.

You may probably ask “ok, but what does adsense has to do with all that?”. Well besides, generating traffic to your website (which is the dream of every webmaster, especially if he uses adsense), comprehensive articles have a lot better chance to trigger targeted keywords that will interest your users and make them click on them; and that is what you are after, aren’t you? Which brings us to the next step:

2: Write with keywords in mind : If you want to maximize your chance to trigger better targeted keywords from adsense, you have to anticipate a little.

First, write your article without thinking of adsense at all; make it sound good and coherent to the reader and when you are happy with the outcome, save it as a draft.Take a short brake and think of the keywords that you are trying to trigger from the adsense ads with your article and write them down on a sheet of paper. Re-read your article and place the keywords where you think they fit. You may also want to replace some words in your article with the keywords that you have written down (where they match, of course) but it is very important that you don’t abuse it. You still need to keep it sound good to the users, and repeated keywords, if they are not place properly, may sound very annoying.

3: Don’t mix the topics: With the points mentioned above in mind, it is almost obvious that you have to concentrate on a single topic on each page, in order to trigger targeted keywords from adsense ads. Again, bloggers, due to the nature of the blogging platform, seem to make the mistake of having a really long welcoming page filled with posts on different subjects. This not only bad for adsense, but it also harms the search engine positioning, not to mention that is not esthetic either.

There are 2 solutions to avoid this:

a) Allow only one post per page.

b) Make static html page for your home page. This tends to be a better solution because it will allow to show more posts within each category, which will actually be a positive thing, since the subject of all post in a category should be the same.

No matter if you have a blog or a website, the main idea is to keep each topic on a single page with an appropriate titles and headings.


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